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Graphic illustrating partnership between Flowcate and IdentPro

What is the difference between LiDAR and LiDAR? 

That’s right, you didn’t misread it. The headline does indeed say LiDAR …
Graphic of Indirect Locating with Hubman.

How Software-Driven RTLS Solutions Are Empowering Modern Industries 

In the rapidly evolving landscape of modern industries, Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) …
Photograph of Flowcate team

Building Better Together: The Impact of Flowcate’s Agile Methodology on Partner Success 

At Flowcate, our agile development practices, centered around Scrum, are the cornerstone …
Graphic of ultra wideband and RFID in logistics.

A Landmark in Localization: The First omlox Test Lab Opens

A New Chapter in Industrial Localization Begins In November 2023, the Fraunhofer …
Graphic of HubMan charging forward.

Flowcate Becomes Independent and Revolutionizes the Location Technology Market

Today marks a major milestone in our history as we’ve officially spun …
Graphic of Hubman

The Secret Tools to Build Future-Proof Solutions Harnessing Real-Time Location Data

In today’s ever-evolving digital landscape, Real-time locating solutions (RTLS) emerge as a …
Graphic showing devices as a service

How the Device-as-a-Service Model is Lifting Real-Time Location Data to New Heights

The manufacturing and logistics industries, pillars of the global economy, are presently …
Industrial App Stores - why they are becoming the Critical Enabler for Location Data on the Shop Floor

Industrial App Stores – why they are becoming the Critical Enabler for Location Data on the Shop Floor

In the digital era, industrial app stores have emerged as pivotal platforms …
Why Real-time Transparency Matters: Boosting your Supply Chain Automation through Standardized Location Data

Why Real-time Transparency Matters: Boosting your Supply Chain Automation through Standardized Location Data

Let’s be honest: Do you feel that the production and supply chain …
Graphic of the earth and locations

First Principles of Location Data & how they Relate to the DeepHub

Location data plays a crucial role in our daily lives, enabling us …
Graphic of sustainability.

How Manufacturing Companies can Meet Sustainability Goals with the Help of Standardized Real-Time Location Data

As the impact and consequences of the global climate crisis become ever …
Image of connected globe

The Real-Time Supply Chain: Navigating the Challenges of Industry 4.0 with the Help of RTLS

In the ever-evolving world of logistics and supply chain management, companies are …
Image of construction hard hats.

Labor Shortage has just Begun – and here’s how you Tackle it successfully, Using RTLS

Are we running out of manpower? Aging (western) societies, weak birth rates, …
Businessman overcoming hurdles to achieve success

5 Hurdles to Overcome when Implementing RTLS (and other Locating Technologies)

Here’s a loaded question for you: In your opinion, how confident are …
What is the Role of Location Data for Use Cases in Industrial Automation?

What is the Role of Location Data for Use Cases in Industrial Automation?

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, macroeconomic environments have been unpredictable …
Graphic of Hubert transforming into Hubman

Cracking The Hub-Man Secret – All you need to know to become a Superhero

Modern, technical innovations require new approaches and methods to efficiently unite them …
Graphic of a pharmaceutical pill

How omlox Supports Process Automation in the Pharmaceutical Industry

In today’s dynamic world, industries are undergoing significant changes and companies must …
Edge computing graphic

Secure Orchestration for Location-Aware Edge Applications – Open & Standardized

In today’s dynamic production environments and disrupted supply chains, real-time locating services …
Optimizing Production Through Material Flow & Automated Processes

Optimizing Production Through Material Flow & Automated Processes

In today’s fast-paced world, everything is in motion. Modern production and logistics …

How omlox Streamlines Motion Analysis of Heterogeneous AGV Fleets

Flowcate works with numerous industrial partners and leading research institutions in the …

How to Reduce the Cost (TCO) of Managing Location Data

Managing and overseeing processes and the movement of assets across supply chains …

How omlox Promotes Sustainability through Holistic Energy Monitoring

In today’s global economy, companies are constantly under pressure to maximize profits …
DeepHub 2022 R1, 2.0.0

DeepHub® 2022 R1 – 2.0.0 – Out Now!

We are thrilled to announce the release of our latest major version: …
rainbow colored graphic

Why You Should Rethink RFID

Introduction Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is widely used for a multitude of …