Use Cases

With the rapid adoption of the IoT in production and logistics, the benefits of the strategic use of real-time locating technologies have become unquestionable.

Gaining precise insights into the whereabouts of all participants (including forklifts, AGVs, tools, pallets, and workers) on the shop floor is of the utmost importance, to improve and streamline processes, increase output, and minimize errors and delays. 

The use cases and relevant positioning technologies are vast and overwhelming. That’s why we have highlighted the central technologies and their use case applications for you. 

Our most prominent use cases

Collision Detection

Work-related accidents in production and logistics happen almost every day and represent an enormous cost factor for organizations.  

Safety for shopfloor and intralogistics participants starts with transparency of their movements: where are the forklifts and AGVs, and where are the workers? Which workers are within a hall or designated area? 

Location technologies are an essential enabler in the framework of safety management, as precise location information assists to improve safety in many ways:

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  • Alert workers in case of likely collisions
  • Mitigate potential safety hazards
  • Prevent collisions between workers and moving objects
  • Warn employees when entering a dangerous area

Even though, there are many technologies that provide some form of location data, it needs to be used in an interoperable manner to provide holistic and actionable insights. 

The DeepHub is unique as it allows you to harness and utilize location data from any type of positioning technology and seamlessly create geo-fences that can trigger alerts in potentially dangerous situations. 

By incorporating data from any moving object on the shop floor it becomes possible to create a true safety grid that spans throughout all operations across the supply chain.

Seamless Indoor & Outdoor Tracking

Real-time location systems (RTLS) are reaching previously unimaginable heights as the IoT propels them to new levels. Despite this rapid growth, businesses still face a real dilemma:

While high-value assets can be monitored and tracked indoors and outdoors, both cannot be done interchangeably without separate systems or enormous budgets.

Offering seamless tracking between these two environments empowers unprecedented visibility into the entire supply chain, as any item can be tracked end-to-end between factories, warehouses, and distribution.

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While several companies offer both indoor and outdoor location solutions separately, only few have managed to offer a single end-to-end solution. So far, they have always been proprietary and lack interoperability!  

The DeepHub is a game-changing technology in this respect as it bridges the gap between indoor and outdoor positioning, merging the best of both worlds into a compact, lightweight solution. 

By seamlessly combining data from any type of RTLS it allows you to track assets anywhere in real-time with ultimate precision.

Full Asset Visibility

Despite digitization being a hot topic on everyone’s radar, the reality is that many logistics operations still waste hours of time searching for assets.

Auto-ID technologies such as barcode and QR code readers, as well as RFID have been used to associate and identify assets for decades. But they lack any kind of spatial awareness. 

When it comes to locating assets, organizations have typically relied on manual record keeping, which is tedious and prone to human errors.

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The DeepHub seamlessly combines Auto-ID and real-time tracking technologies enabling full asset visibility.

This eliminates any blind spots as assets can be tracked and located throughout their journey, optimizing processes and improving efficiency.

Integrating real-time data and IoT technologies, such as RTLS and Auto-ID, in an interoperable manner, creates an entirely new framework that is able to automate and optimize operations.

As the premier omlox middleware, the DeepHub is the world’s first technology that enables the management of any type of location data from any vendor in a standardized, future-proof and lightweight solution.

These use cases highlight only a fraction of what is possible with the DeepHub. There are practically no limitations for its power to aggregate and harmonize location data from any technology or source, in a standardized and streamlined manner.

Interested in experiencing the DeepHub live?